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This course walks you through a simple process for gaining basic level cultural fluency, so you can get on with the business of communicating with ease. 

How to Communicate with Indonesians

is a short video course

offering easy, practical, and effective shortcuts 

for understanding and being understood

when communicating with Indonesians

in any language. 


Indonesians exceptional rich cultural heritage

makes communicating with Indonesians incredibly rewarding

but can also be unexpectedly challenging.



This course provides you with the valuable tools for

navigating these challenges with ease and

bridging the inevitable cultural gaps

that might otherwise get in the way

of clear mutual understanding. 


Why risk grave misunderstandings when in just 3 hours you can gain basic cultural fluency and enjoy communicating with ease? 



Comprised of short  3-5 minute videos

for each of the topics covered, 

this course walks you through I what took me

over 20 years of experience to learn.


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