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Gabrielle Thibaudeau

Communicating with Indonesians


"How to Communicate with Indonesians" is a step by step guide to understanding communication norms in Indonesia, and putting them into practice according to your needs and personal style of communication. 



This course provides both useful information and practical tools for easily bridging cultural gaps, so you can get down to the business of communicating with ease. 

About me

Working as a cultural guide for Indonesian scholars in Canada as a teenager was my first introduction to Indonesian communication norms.


Studying, and living in Indonesia over the course of the 20 years that followed, including 6 years working for a local mass media company as a communcations advisor has allowed me the privilege of  learning how to bridge inevitable cultural gaps and to communicate across these divides with ever greater ease. 


Learning to speak Indonesian and get by in a few local languages has been unspeakably enriching but nowhere near as challenging as learning how to understand and be understood within this cultural context.


My deep appreciation for all that I have learned in the process inspired me to create this course so that others may enjoy the wonders this nation and its people has to offer without spending 20 years learning how to avoid unnecessary misunderstandings. 


May this course allow for smoother and clearly communication all around. 


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